
Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day: A Day to Remember

Happy Memorial Day to all of the men and women who serve our country and to all of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice to serve.  I personally believe that any person who puts their life on the line to protect their country deserves every ounce of respect that they can be given.  To the spouses and children who stand behind our heroes, thank you as well.

To all of our fallen heroes, we salute you, we miss you, and we will never forget you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Countdown to Summer... 6 More Days!

Hello Everyone!  It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks for my family and I'm so glad to be home!  We spent a week on the east coast attending my brother's wedding and visiting family!  I was only able to get a little bit of stitching done last week and mainly on my Merchant Mermaid.  I worked on her a lot on the plane because the fabric is light and easy to see.  I've finished the anchor motif on the bottom and I'm excited to finally get to her tail!

I've gotten a bit done on Deep Blue Sea this week.  I've managed to finish all of the border, sea weed, waves and squishies from Part 5.  All I have left is to finish a bit of the pink coral and the fishies.

And a close up of the Squishies!  I love them!  They're so cute!

I took a class last month called The Finer Points of Finishing with Jane Timmers.  Jane designs and finished amazing ornaments (she has one published in the JCS Ornament issue every year) and her finishing techniques are invaluable.  If you ever have the chance to take her class, it is well worth the expense.  I stitched a tiny snowflake freebie I found online and I just beaded the whole thing.  Here is my finished product from the class:

And lastly, here is a pic of The Husband and I at the wedding last week!  We had a lot of fun!

Thanks for reading!  TTFN!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Hello Everyone!  It has been a busy couple of weeks for this girl!  Last weekend I took a finishing class with the lovely Jane Timmers and this weekend we had a massive Cinco de Mayo party.  I've gotten a little stitching done, but not too much.  I started my Merchant Mermaid a few days after I finished Mermaid of the Pearls.  So far, I've only stitched about 1/3 of the anchor motif at the bottom.

I'm changing the "MH" in the anchor to "SS".  The "SS" stands for "Siren's Song" which is what is replacing the "Mill Hill" at the top.  Amanda has helped me by recharting the words to say "Siren's Song Pub and Inn".  I wanted her to look like an old British tavern sign.  She's being stitched on 28 ct. Ale linen by Picture This Plus.

The reason I've only done a little bit of Merchant Mermaid is because Part 5 of Deep Blue Sea has come out and it's a doozy!  It includes a large section at the top.  I'm working on seaweed and border tonight.

I apologize for the pictures.  I managed to screw up the settings on my camera and I'm still trying to figure out how to get them back to normal!  Also, I want to announce Karen as the winner of my giveaway!  I'll be emailing you soon!  I have some dental work this week and a wedding to attend next week so I will probably not post for a couple of weeks.  Hoping by then to have most if not all of Part 5 to show you!  TTFN!