Hello Everyone! Until this week, I had never heard of the Liebster Awards. Then both Kalu at Me, My Bubble and My Stitching and Shazzump at Shuzzump's Stupid Little Corner both honored me by awarding a Liebster Award to my blog this week! I have soooooo much fun taking pictures and sharing all of my progress with all of you! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the feedback and camaraderie I've experienced as a result of starting this blog.
Liebster is a German word meaning favorite, dearest or beloved. The Liebster Awards are awarded by bloggers to other, newer bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers to spread the word and help newer bloggers gain wider recognition.
The award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting.
1. Choose 5 up and coming blogs (with less then 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
2. Show thanks to the blogger who awarded the Liebster to you by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving awards to with links to their sites. Comment on their blog to let them know you gave them the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know.

So the five blogs I'd like to give Liebster Awards are...
1. Melissa at Honeybee's Hive! Melissa is one of my favorite people and she works on some really wonderful pieces. Her Dance Of The Graces alone is worth checking out her blog!
2. TJ at The Mirabilia Stitcher! If you couldn't tell by some of the projects I'm working on, I LOVE Mirabilias and Tracy is very good at changing the colors around and making each project her own.
3. Dana at Thutmosis's Thoughts ! She has so many pretty pics AND she does bead conversions!
4. Kate at Sunshine Stitcher! Kate has many projects worth looking at, some of them non-cross stitch!
5. Mel at Melanie the WIP Slayer! I love watching Mel's projects come to life!
Five Random Facts about Myself...
1. I LOVE stitching to the John Mayer Pandora Radioor while watching random documentaries from the History Channel on Netflix.
2. I'm a Washington Redskins fan. Sometimes, I think I should hang my head in shame.
3. I really love cooking. I enjoy playing with different techniques and seasonings.
4. I'm a beer snob and a wanna-be wine snob. I enjoy dark brown ales and ambers the best. The Husband loves Porters and Stouts. If I could afford to spend the money on more expensive wines, I'd probably be a wine snob too.
5. I really love Phineas and Ferb on the Disney Channel. One of the most clever shows ever. I even downloaded the soundtrack and made ringtones for my phone. When my mama calls, I get to hear Squirrels in My Pants hehe.
Some Honorable Mentions: I want to mention a couple of blogs that I enjoy reading that have more than 200 followers.
1. Andie at StitchitAndie.
2. Mel at Colours of the Outback.
3. Lesleyanne at Lesleyanne's Life in Stitches.
This ended up being a pretty long post! I have some floss tosses and some new dyed fabrics to show everyone so tomorrow or Sunday I'll post again. TTFN!
Liebster is a German word meaning favorite, dearest or beloved. The Liebster Awards are awarded by bloggers to other, newer bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers to spread the word and help newer bloggers gain wider recognition.
The award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting.
1. Choose 5 up and coming blogs (with less then 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
2. Show thanks to the blogger who awarded the Liebster to you by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving awards to with links to their sites. Comment on their blog to let them know you gave them the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know.

So the five blogs I'd like to give Liebster Awards are...
1. Melissa at Honeybee's Hive! Melissa is one of my favorite people and she works on some really wonderful pieces. Her Dance Of The Graces alone is worth checking out her blog!
2. TJ at The Mirabilia Stitcher! If you couldn't tell by some of the projects I'm working on, I LOVE Mirabilias and Tracy is very good at changing the colors around and making each project her own.
3. Dana at Thutmosis's Thoughts ! She has so many pretty pics AND she does bead conversions!
4. Kate at Sunshine Stitcher! Kate has many projects worth looking at, some of them non-cross stitch!
5. Mel at Melanie the WIP Slayer! I love watching Mel's projects come to life!
Five Random Facts about Myself...
1. I LOVE stitching to the John Mayer Pandora Radioor while watching random documentaries from the History Channel on Netflix.
2. I'm a Washington Redskins fan. Sometimes, I think I should hang my head in shame.
3. I really love cooking. I enjoy playing with different techniques and seasonings.
4. I'm a beer snob and a wanna-be wine snob. I enjoy dark brown ales and ambers the best. The Husband loves Porters and Stouts. If I could afford to spend the money on more expensive wines, I'd probably be a wine snob too.
5. I really love Phineas and Ferb on the Disney Channel. One of the most clever shows ever. I even downloaded the soundtrack and made ringtones for my phone. When my mama calls, I get to hear Squirrels in My Pants hehe.
Some Honorable Mentions: I want to mention a couple of blogs that I enjoy reading that have more than 200 followers.
1. Andie at StitchitAndie.
2. Mel at Colours of the Outback.
3. Lesleyanne at Lesleyanne's Life in Stitches.
This ended up being a pretty long post! I have some floss tosses and some new dyed fabrics to show everyone so tomorrow or Sunday I'll post again. TTFN!
Leslie, I am truly so honored that you have chosen my blog for a Liebster award. There are literally hundreds of blogs you could have chosen and it just really feels good to know that my little ol blog has inspired and touched other stitchers. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! And Awwww your so sweet! :D I have been awarded this a couple of times but didn't post it cause of the less than 200 part :D