
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's a New Year!

And of course I have a new start!

I've decided to stitch Quaker Gone Tropic in all beads.  I LOVE beading and it's going pretty fast.  Here is my first progress pic:

This is actually the amount of beading you can do with one skein of DMC.  Thank goodness my friend Tracie was able to procure 2 dozen more skeins.  The fabric is Fairy Flight Opal Cashel by Under the Sea Fabrics.

And here is Buttercup:

The Husband challenged me to finish her by the end of the year but I didn't make it.  Her skin is taking forever!  She's stitched on Moonlit Opal Belfast by Under the Sea Fabrics.

Here's my final Mary's Samplers:

 I chose not to stitch the border because I thought it was getting a little busy.  They're stitched on Witching Hour New Castle by Under the Sea Fabrics.

This is a cute little ornie I finished over the Thanksgiving weekend.  I've sent it to a friend for finishing.

It is stitched on a scrap of Ice Princess Opal Belfast by Under the Sea Fabrics.