
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's a New Year!

And of course I have a new start!

I've decided to stitch Quaker Gone Tropic in all beads.  I LOVE beading and it's going pretty fast.  Here is my first progress pic:

This is actually the amount of beading you can do with one skein of DMC.  Thank goodness my friend Tracie was able to procure 2 dozen more skeins.  The fabric is Fairy Flight Opal Cashel by Under the Sea Fabrics.

And here is Buttercup:

The Husband challenged me to finish her by the end of the year but I didn't make it.  Her skin is taking forever!  She's stitched on Moonlit Opal Belfast by Under the Sea Fabrics.

Here's my final Mary's Samplers:

 I chose not to stitch the border because I thought it was getting a little busy.  They're stitched on Witching Hour New Castle by Under the Sea Fabrics.

This is a cute little ornie I finished over the Thanksgiving weekend.  I've sent it to a friend for finishing.

It is stitched on a scrap of Ice Princess Opal Belfast by Under the Sea Fabrics.



  1. All great projects.
    Can't wait to see more of Quaker Gone Tropic in beads.

  2. QGT looks stunning in those beads! And Buttercup looks pretty fantastic too.

  3. I can't wait to see more of QGT.......its a WIP for me......
