
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Insanity Part Trois... And Maybe a Finish or Deux,...

Well, it's been awhile and I'm truly sorry for that.  Under the Sea Fabrics had a booming first month of 2015 and then I went to South Carolina to spend a week at the beach stitching with some friends.  And BOY did I need that recharge!  I also got A LOT of stitching done!

So.. Onward to the Insanity! :)

Day 11: Nora Corbett's Azalea on Emerald Grotto by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I will be removing her wings and possibly the pom poms on the side :)

Day 12: Bent Creek's Wedding Row on Witching Hour Opalescent Lugana by Under the Sea Fabrics.  Obviously, I'm changing the colors.  I also plan to stitch our original wedding rings onto this when it's done.  We bought each other new rings for our 10 year Anniversary.

Day 13: The Master and the Macabre by Cross Eyed Cricket on Hurricane by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I totally blame Cassie for this one.  I love it!  I really like how spooky the fabric is!

Day 14: Letters from Mermaids L by Nora Corbett on Misty Morning by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I've stitched this once in reverse and changed the colors.  This one I'm planning to use all of the called for colors.

Day 15: Frosted Pumpkin's Storytime SAL on Marauder's Map Gold Belfast.  I love the subjects so far but since I'm not sure if i want to make individual ornaments or not, I've put it away until I decide. 

AND.. as promised... Some finishes!  I got so much stitching done last week at the beach that I finished two of my Insanity 15.

First up Poppy by Nora Corbett on Tarnished Silver by Under the Sea Fabrics.

My friend Karen helped remove the wings and rechart the back of the dress and I totally love her!  Karen calls me a Pixie Plucker because I want to leave the wings off of all of them.

And here is Peacock Majesty by Just Nan on Looking Glass by Under the Sea Fabrics.

I wish the picture showed all of the texture,  The specialty stitches and different types of threads really made for a textural piece.

Well.. that's all for now!  TTFN!


  1. What great projects and fabrics.
    Can't wait to see more of The Master and the Macabre.

  2. Gorgeous stitching. Why don't you like the wings? The amazing thing about Nora's designs is that they still look good even when the colours are changed and wings removed! It's so much fun to see the changes everyone makes.

    1. I'm not entirely sure,,, wings just aren't my favorite :) I love a fish tail though!

  3. You've got some beautiful starts going.
