
Monday, March 23, 2015

My "Gray" Period...

Hello All!

I've been working a lot lately on Mermaids of the Deep Blue.  The conversion is definitely one I'm making up as I go...

I'm about at the halfway point on the left mermaid.

So far, I'm loving the grays and silvers.  And I like how they're blending nicely into the lavenders in her fin.

These mermaids have swirls of beads in their hands.  I'm leaning towards doing them in mostly Sapphire and cobalt beads with some silver accents.

I'm considering adding some Heliotrope in too.  And maybe some Purple...  Decisions... Decisions...  I'm planning to mostly concentrate on this one until it's finished.

Speaking of Finishes...  I got 2 cross stitch pieces and 2 water colors back from the framer this week.

Sunflower Fairy by Nora Corbett on Brown Sugar Gold Belfast from Under the Sea Fabrics.  I love the oval frame!

Mermaid Undine by Mirabilia Designs on Lilypad Opal Belfast from, Under the Sea Fabrics  and a water color by Nora Corbett I thought would be a nice companion to her.

And lastly, a watercolor by Molly Harrison given to me by my friend Shannon.



  1. Your new mermaid is going to look beautiful. Lovely colour choice :)
    I love your finishes... And the watercolours are a perfect companion to your stitching.
    Hugs xx

  2. Deep Blue is looking very pretty on that fabric.
    Great framed pieces also.
