
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Retreats and Friends...

Hey Yal!

It's only 3 weeks into October and I'm pooped!  I'm working my way through Sale orders and Fabric of the Month as fast as I can.  We had a water main break and the water is turned off.  That's the only reason I'm not elbow deep in dye.

I had a busy few weeks.  I attended a retreat in Cincinatti and one in Hershey, PA.  I got the meet the lovely Joan Elliot and Ursula Micheal in Hershey.

Left to Right: Ursula Micheal, Me, Joan Elliot

I had a blast!  Loved hanging out with my friends for a weekend,  I came home to two lovely packages.  One was a huge package of threads I ordered from Rainbow Stitchery.

And the second was my year long secret stitcher gift.

I can't wait to start the Blackbird Designs Sampler!  So cute!  And the pinata was a creative touch!

I have a mini-finish!  I'm calling it a mini-finish because it is the first part of the Plum Street Samplers Sunday SAL 12 Days of Christmas

I'm stitching it on London Fog from Under the Sea Fabrics with Cranberry, Collard Greens, Her Crown, and Old Crow Belle Soie and Petite Treasure Braid 01.  Love it so far!  The SAL is free just click on the link above!

And finally, Salem Remembered.  I'm making pretty quick work of this one!

I've actually added a couple more names since this picture and only have 3 names to go!  Then onto the bottom banner, border, and smaller motifs.

FYI: I started a Instagram account for Under the Sea Fabrics.  To follow Click here.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Finishes Finishes Finishes! And one WIP :)

Life.  Life is killing me softly... in a good way :)  Business is booming, I'm stitching a lot, and just enjoying the final dregs of summer...  I know, it's TECHNICALLY fall but it's still warm and sunny here in Ohio and I'm soaking it in while I can.

In the last month, I've finished two major projects, a model, and two Round Robin Blocks... like I said, stitching A LOT!

So first... Mermaid of Atlantis AKA Salacia is Finis! Done! Finished!  I left off the border and gave her a little Stargazer Treatment!

She is stitched on Midnight Mermaid Opalescent Cashel from Under the Sea Fabrics.  I've already sent her to Jill Rensel Studio and Amber and I have been conspiring on her mats...

Next up: Nora Corbett's Azaela.  Now, you know I had to pluck those wings right off and my friend Karen helped adjust her arm and hand so it was resting on her hip.

How sassy is she?  So cute and fiesty!  She's stitched on Emerald Grotto Opal Cashel from Under the Sea Fabrics.

Next up, I helped out my girl Karen and stitched the model for her July Teeny Weeny Bikini.  These bikinis are adorable and she's working on a bunch!  Check out her Etsy shop Meridian Designs Cross Stitch.

So far she has 5 available to purchase and they come with the beads and charms.  Aren't they adorable?

Karen Also designed the bikinis for our Bikini Round Robin.  I've done two more since I last posted.  They're pretty adorable!

P.S. The Mermaid Bikini is available on her etsy store!!!

I recently spent a small fortune on Salem Remembered by The Primative Needle.  I dyed the fabric the same day it came in the mail and started IMMEDIATELY.  I am OBSESSED!  Not my usual style but I'm loving it!

I haven't named the fabric yet but it will be my Fabric of the Month for November.  I'm already plotting finishing ideas for this one!

Well, TTFN!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ugh... Busy Busy

It's been months since I updated!  I'm so sorry!  BUT, because it has been so long, I have a lot of stuff to share!

First, a few finishes!

Finished Yesterday, my 3rd of the Insane 15 starts!  I'm 20% of the way to finishing them!  This is Just Nan's Peacock Alphabet on Looking Glass by Under the Sea Fabrics.


 This one was my travel project for months and since I did so much traveling in the last few weeks, I've finally finished it.

I've also gotten another Just Nan back from the Framer.  Peacock Majesty.  It was my 2nd of the Insanity 15 finishes.

I also got Nora Corbett's Poppy bacl.  I just love her dress!

I'm in another RR and this time with adorable bikinis!  This is my first block finish on Mel's RR.

And here is my current WIP.  It's the one I'm focusing on the most because I feel like it's the closest to being done.  Mermaid of Atlantis on Midnight Mermaid from Under the Sea Fabrics.

And now for something a little different...  I did a clay sculpting class with one of my little men.  This is the final product: A mermaid Ort Jar!

I love how it came out!  And here is the recent gifties from my secret stitcher!  Another Peacock to add to my collection :)

And that's it for today!  TTFN!

Monday, March 23, 2015

My "Gray" Period...

Hello All!

I've been working a lot lately on Mermaids of the Deep Blue.  The conversion is definitely one I'm making up as I go...

I'm about at the halfway point on the left mermaid.

So far, I'm loving the grays and silvers.  And I like how they're blending nicely into the lavenders in her fin.

These mermaids have swirls of beads in their hands.  I'm leaning towards doing them in mostly Sapphire and cobalt beads with some silver accents.

I'm considering adding some Heliotrope in too.  And maybe some Purple...  Decisions... Decisions...  I'm planning to mostly concentrate on this one until it's finished.

Speaking of Finishes...  I got 2 cross stitch pieces and 2 water colors back from the framer this week.

Sunflower Fairy by Nora Corbett on Brown Sugar Gold Belfast from Under the Sea Fabrics.  I love the oval frame!

Mermaid Undine by Mirabilia Designs on Lilypad Opal Belfast from, Under the Sea Fabrics  and a water color by Nora Corbett I thought would be a nice companion to her.

And lastly, a watercolor by Molly Harrison given to me by my friend Shannon.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Insanity Part Trois... And Maybe a Finish or Deux,...

Well, it's been awhile and I'm truly sorry for that.  Under the Sea Fabrics had a booming first month of 2015 and then I went to South Carolina to spend a week at the beach stitching with some friends.  And BOY did I need that recharge!  I also got A LOT of stitching done!

So.. Onward to the Insanity! :)

Day 11: Nora Corbett's Azalea on Emerald Grotto by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I will be removing her wings and possibly the pom poms on the side :)

Day 12: Bent Creek's Wedding Row on Witching Hour Opalescent Lugana by Under the Sea Fabrics.  Obviously, I'm changing the colors.  I also plan to stitch our original wedding rings onto this when it's done.  We bought each other new rings for our 10 year Anniversary.

Day 13: The Master and the Macabre by Cross Eyed Cricket on Hurricane by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I totally blame Cassie for this one.  I love it!  I really like how spooky the fabric is!

Day 14: Letters from Mermaids L by Nora Corbett on Misty Morning by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I've stitched this once in reverse and changed the colors.  This one I'm planning to use all of the called for colors.

Day 15: Frosted Pumpkin's Storytime SAL on Marauder's Map Gold Belfast.  I love the subjects so far but since I'm not sure if i want to make individual ornaments or not, I've put it away until I decide. 

AND.. as promised... Some finishes!  I got so much stitching done last week at the beach that I finished two of my Insanity 15.

First up Poppy by Nora Corbett on Tarnished Silver by Under the Sea Fabrics.

My friend Karen helped remove the wings and rechart the back of the dress and I totally love her!  Karen calls me a Pixie Plucker because I want to leave the wings off of all of them.

And here is Peacock Majesty by Just Nan on Looking Glass by Under the Sea Fabrics.

I wish the picture showed all of the texture,  The specialty stitches and different types of threads really made for a textural piece.

Well.. that's all for now!  TTFN!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Insanity Continues...

Hey Everyone!  Here are the next 5 projects I started in my 15 Day Insanity Challenge.  I'll post the last 5 in a few days.

Day 6: Poppy by Nora Corbett on Tarnished Silver Opal Cashel by UTSF.  I've had help from my lovely friend Karen in recharting her torso to remove the wings and I love how it's coming together.  Side Note: She's taken to calling my a Pixie Plucker because I want to remove the wings from most of the pixies.

Day 7: Brilliant Mermaid by Dome on Calypso's Cay by UTSF.  It doesn't look like I stitched much because I ended up frogging quite a bit and I just had to put it down for awhile.

Day 8: Peacock Alphabet by Just Nan on Looking Glass Opal Belfast by UTSF.  Not much done due to a busy busy dye day.  Looking forward to going back to it though.

Day 9: Peacock Majesty by Just Nan on Looking Glass Opal Belfast by UTSF.  LOVE this piece!  It's been so fun and quick to stitch.  Since this picture was taken, I've stitched 2 more bands of the 15 so I'm about one third done.  I converted all of the colors to silks I had in my stash.

Day 10: Sirens of the Sea by Just Nan on Emerald Grotto by UTSF.  Another busy day without much stitching...

10 down, 5 to go...

I've worked on and off on different projects but so far I've tried to concentrate on Poppy.  This is how she looks now and I love her so much!

My goal is to finish the bustle and backstitch all of her skin tonight. Stitching with the reds is so much fun!

Also, I'm trying to find just the pattern or the full kit for Just Nan's Keep a Little Secret.  Here's a picture.

If you have one to sell or trade, comment or shoot me an email!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2014 in Review... And Insanity in 2015!

I hope Everyone had a Happy Holiday and a fun and safe New Year!  

2014 was so much fun!  I made some awesome new stitchy friends and spent some time with some old ones.  I also had a fairly productive year!  Because of all of you and your support, Under the Sea Fabrics just keeps growing!  And I've finished more projects this year then ever before!  

Here's a few finishes I've had to keep under wraps because they were Christmas Presents.

Charbleu by Needle Delights Originals.  It's counted canvas and I used whatever threads I had in my Stash.

Hidden Treasures Pirate Map by Lynn Nicoletti.  I've been working on this for awhile for The Husband and I love the Jolly Roger frame I chose for it.

And We The People by the Ship's Manor.  This was a quick stitch!

And here is a pic of all of my 2014 Finishes!  I really feel like a lot got done :)

My Friend Kenny has talked me into starting 15 projects in the first 15 days of 2015!  Crazy right?!?!?!?!  So here are the ones I have planned.  Might Slip a few more in or switch them around.  

Today is Day Seven so I've started 7 already but I'll start off with Days One through Five in this post. 

Day One: Mermaid of Atlantis by Mirabilia Designs on   Midnight Mermaid from Under the Sea Fabrics.

Day Two: Circle of Friends by Mirabilia Designs on a Jewel by Under the Sea Fabrics.   

Day Three: Twisted Band Sampler Color Conversion on Looking Glass by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I'm converting the colors to Peacock-y colors and Band One is done in Black Forest Waterlilies and Band Two is almost done in Pine Forest Waterlilies.

Day Four: Mermaids of the Deep Blue Color Conversion on Calypso's Cay by Under the Sea Fabrics.  I am changing them to Grey and Purple and really kind of doing the conversion on the fly so the floss toss isn't accurate.

And lastly, Day Five: Alessandra Adelaide Designs Advent Calender SAL 2015 Stitched with Cardinal and Emerald Waterlilies on Looking Glass by Under the Sea Fabrics.  

Wow!  That was A LOT!  Well, in a couple of days, I'll post days six through ten.  TTFN!